Bone Grafting Procedures in Chicago
Jaw bone loss can lead to a variety of health problems, from an aged appearance to poor oral health. Fortunately, modern dentistry can halt and even reverse this process thanks to bone grafts.
Dr. Russell Cecala of PerioCare Periodontal Medicine and Dental Implant Surgery is an expert in the field of bone and tissue grafting. With his skills and expertise, he has helped countless Chicago patients to revitalize their oral health through bone grafting procedures. Find out if bone grafting is the right procedure for you – schedule a consultation today!
Identifying Bone Loss with Modern Dental Technology
If the dentist believes you may need a bone graft procedure, he will perform an in-depth assessment of your jaw structure to determine the most appropriate treatment. Our office uses a state-of-the-art CT scanner to map and render a 3D digital model of the upper and lower jaw area. This device allows the dentist to examine your bone structure more thoroughly than a standard x-ray, leading to a more accurate and efficient diagnosis and treatment.
Types of Bone Grafting Procedures
Our practice performs multiple types of bone grafts and is careful to select the method that will provide the best results for each individual patient. Below are the three main types of grafting procedures:
Socket Graft – Used when a tooth has been extracted. The graft material is placed into the tooth socket and allowed to integrate with the surrounding bone. Once stabilized, it provides support for a dental implant.
Block Bone Graft – Performed when a significant amount of bone has been lost. A large section of bone is grafted into place and allowed to heal, restoring the natural jaw structure.
Sinus Lift – Requires a more delicate technique than the lower jaw due to the complexity of the sinus cavities. Used to increase bone thickness between the jaw and cavity space, creating sufficient support for a dental implant to be placed in the upper jaw.
Why Do I Need a Bone Graft?
Our facial structures are remarkably complex, with numerous systems supporting and interacting with one another. The jaw bone structure is a perfect example of this.
Teeth need sufficient jaw bone density for support, and the jaw bone relies on chewing pressure to maintain its density. If teeth are knocked out, decayed, or extracted, the jaw bone will deteriorate in a process known as resorption. A bone graft may be necessary to maintain or restore enough jaw bone density to support dental implants and maintain facial structure.
Skilled Dental Care in Chicago
When you need complex dental work done, you want to know that your procedure is in skilled and experienced hands. At PerioCare, we specialize in performing involved procedures with cutting-edge technology and a well-trained team. Whether you have been directed to us by your dentist, or are seeking someone to alleviate an oral health issue, we’ll provide you with top-of-the-line care.
We look forward to employing our skills for your dental health benefit. Schedule your consultation today!